Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Am I Reading Wednesday - Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

This week brings an interesting book. I've seen it and heard of it and frankly just did care to read the dam thing. How ever before I cracked open said book I wanted to know who this guy was.

I found out a few things. The guy responsible for Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Seth Grahame-Smith is also responsible for of all things, "The Hard Times of RJ Berger" on MTV. I've had the unfortunate luck of catching said show once. Never again. In his defense it is on MTV and unless you like that shite on MTV or if you're like a teenage mom, you won't like this. 

I even dragged my ass on cracking the book open, but it was already Wednesday and I was behind. So I sat down that night and read.

And I was truly truly truly impressed.

First off Mr. Grahame-Smith inserted himself into the story using the introduction. Funny I look at introductions and gauge whether or not I actually want to read them. It appeared too long for my small brain. But I figured if I'm going to talk about a book I should do it justice and read the whole thing into and all. Good on me for doing that because Mr. Grahame-Smith set the stage for some very extraordinary things.

The actual book book starts with a few historical facts about Young Abe, his life with his family and it's not very stable. Having never read anything about President Lincoln, I can only assume the constant moving his family did might be factual.

There's plenty of verifiable stuff weaved in with an awesome and imaginative tale. I have to give it to Seth, he did a great job. I was immersed, I got to follow Abraham along two rivers and witness several well written dream sequences.

Guys will love this book because Honest Abe does a pretty good job of axe wielding. Frankly, if I saw a really tall man carrying an axe I'd get the hell out of his way. But these were different times. That show Axemen ain't got shit on this, really Shit. They ain't got it. No one thought of the dangers he could pose. What ev's different times.

All in all I was impressed, in this book you get to be one with nature, channel your inner Huckleberry Fin, get a dose of late night fright, some sappy love, a whole lot of bro-mance, work some historical conspiracy theories, speculate on the future/past, and the best part, Abe Lincoln as an axe wielding vigilante. Rock on- Freaking Rock on...

The Book I got from Walmart has a mention of Tim Burton making this a movie. Tim Burton better not mess this up because I will venture out of my home to watch it. Yeah it's that good.

I also Vlogged this so you can watch it on Youtube.

Tune in Next week for Fifty Shades of Grey

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