Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Fictioneer- Waiting at the Gates

You ever start thinking in your head all kinds of messy scenarios about why your flight is late? No well I do, and so do the neurotic people I make up in my head. With that in mind, let's see what this nameless wonder does when his/her flight is late.

Copyright Rich Voza

Waiting at the Gates

You notice anything odd about that plane? It’s blocking your  gate. All the other planes are coming and going across the corridor but this one is the only plane on your side. Should you say something? What if the other travelers already said something? It’s been over an hour. The airline should say something. Did some one move in the window? Go look, take a picture.

“Attention passengers gate A-19 is now closed. Please see your nearest guest representative for new gate assignment and flight information.”

There was some one in the window. Did anyone else see that?

Rochelle- and her wonderfully purple blog  she has going is the key to all the interestingly written Friday Fictioneer stories. Unless you don't like purple then you can just click here. I'd advise not to though because her story is great.


  1. I can honestly say of all the reasons I've thought my flight was late, this series of thoughts never came into my head. :-) Let's hope she just paranoid and isn't the only one on the right track.


    1. Truthfully I've never had all these thoughts at once. Though there was this one time in a SeaTac Bathroom... That's an entirely different situation. But my character (I haven't decided the gender) is pretty messed up.

  2. yep, saw that someone in the window...haha. :)
    i enjoyed your story. <3

  3. I love pictures of planes :) This story sounds like something that would be going through my mind. I haven't flown in years, but the disastrous scenarios stick in my memory.


    1. Really? That can't be good. Delayed flights sort of force you to think the worst sometimes. I'm hoping the next time I fly I forget I wrote this one, because I'd hate to see or hear something that will even remotely touch on the amount of crazy going in in this person's head.

  4. Dear Atiya,

    Do you really go through all those mental gymnastics when your plane is late? A great story, but not the stream of consciousness i'd want to be in the middle of.



    1. Actually no, but there's always that once chance. Most likely I'll be checking in on what ever wifi there is available. I wanted to write something along the lines of John Denver's Leaving On A Jet Plane, but this is what came out instead.

  5. yeah, I get it. signs. sometimes they can overtake you.

  6. "Someone in the window." And then they close the gate. I'd be making up nervous stories about a situation like that! Well, maybe it was just someone doing last minute checks of the airplane, and they did find a problem than needs to be repaired. Sure, that's all it is. Couldn't be anything serious, could it?

    You did a great job of dramatizing our airport fears! Nice.

  7. Dear Atiya,
    I once did miss a flight in Indianapolis. Long story short I was put on standby. After a trip back to my host's house in New Castle and back again to the airport I could've gotten on I-70 and driven back to Kansas City in less time. ;). I think you mirrored a few people's misgivings when it comes to travel.

  8. then you have to decide to just ignore it and go to your new gate or do you pursue the situation? damn, that would torture me! well done.

  9. It's so easy in this day and age to have paranoid thoughts around flying (me, I always manage to find something to worry about, haha). I hope the person in your story is just being paranoid and there's nothing dark going on!


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