Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Week's Bean Counter: Diggin' the Weekly Dig

Last issue of the The Bean Counter's Score:  36

Moved into awesome apartment: +50

No one showed up to the Moving Party: -25 (Sad Face but there was nachos)

There was nacho & dip at the moving party and red juice with fruit: +15

RFKAO's car suffers a case of bad alternator disorder: -20

The car goes all pouty AFTER the move: +10

Chapter Six finally got posted somewhere on the website: +55

Invented a new gun: +10 (not really diggin' the whole "gun" thing)

RFKAO makes potato wedges that wipe out all past potato wedges made by disgruntled cooks on Naval vessels around the world: +30

Chewy snores...loud: -10

Friend Nicole sends me a YouTube video called the Masochism Tango See Here: WINNING +100

Read my renter's Insurance policy, and if Chewy dies in some freakishly odd accident his burial is not covered, but if he bites someone (highly unlikely) then the bitee is covered. Go figure!: -50

Chapter Seven is not at all what I planned in my head. SURPRISE!!!! -5

Looked for the next episode of Being Human to watch on Itunes, it was not there. After a little research me and RFKAO found out that last week's pathetically bad episode was the season finale: -150

This dysfunctional family unit had to get addicted to another show AND quickly. Found Game of Thrones, and LOVED IT: +45

Still haven't met anyone worth while to brag about, so Team Single still wins out again: -30

This week Tally: 61

Hey it's getting better!!!

Tune in late tomorrow for the Flash Fiction for this week. I managed to come up with something different. Not different as in happy or chilling or something I dug up from the recesses of my over-imaginative mind. This is something, for lack of a better word GOOEY.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I was able to give you lots of points :) Somehow I just knew you would like that song.


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