Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get out and vote in California

So I registered to vote like the minute I moved to this side of San Diego. I was under the impression that I'd already missed the Primaries but I was wrong. You know how I know I was wrong? I kept getting random recorded calls from politicians on my cell phone. This is what I get for not picking a party eh? 

Anyway that was today and you know I took my dog. He was very well behaved until someone else brought their dog to the polls and then all hell broke loose.  At least he didn't get pee'd on like the last time we met another dog in the neighborhood.

So anyway here's a picture of my super cute dog after I cast my ballot: 

Of course the minute we got back he plopped himself on the floor and ate the sticker. Gotta love dogs.
If you'e a resident of California go find a polling center and vote no on the extra taxes on cigarettes. It's to the point where I can barely afford them so do me a solid and say no, M'kay....

I'm kidding about the cigarette, but go out and vote though, I'm not kidding about that.


  1. He is so cute. Atiya, I am happy to nominte you for the Beautiful Blogge Award. Please check http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com for acceptance details.


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