This week we have a truly lovely picture from Ms. Woods, which reminds me that I need to get my indoor herb garden situated. I want mint darnnit! But I'm getting off topic.
I challenge you to figure out where my inspiration for this week's offering comes from.
~ Pip saw the berries the first time last week. They were further up than he’d ever climbed before. He nervously groomed his nose while he made up his mind.
“Sweet looking berries there Pip” Bolo grunted as he nudged the young pup, just for nudging sake.
“They do look juicy, Bolo” Pip stammered.
Bolo tested the base of the the fruit heavy branch. “You’re small enough Pip. Go out and get em’, and you better not eat any of them.”
Pip reached the berries just as Bolo squealed. The adder Pip escaped earlier, found it’s evening meal.
Pip smiled. ~
You can follow the Blog hop on Facebook, Twitter #FridayFictioneers or right from the source over on Madison Woods.
Stay tuned for another entry over the weekend. I've got my hands on something NON-Fiction for once that just so happens to not have been published and I get to wax poetic all over it.